Reflection 4: Podcasting my way to mastery of English

domingo, 23 de noviembre de 2008

I´ve always believed that a teacher must be someone with some manage of cultural issues a little higher than the common people. We need to be able to talk about almost any topic. I have chosen three topics that are very interesting for me, personally. But I think that the three are related with my students´ interests in Chile. The first is:

These days, the discussion about technology; the latest gadgets, the fight between the companies for the control of the market and the appearence of new uses for internet has turned into material for daily conversation. Everybody seems interested in this topic. This site provides interesting and updated information about technology.

Some videos to check:,938-page,1-bid,0/video.html,840-page,1-bid,0/video.html,952-page,1-bid,0/video.html

The second site I´ve chosen, is related with one of the topics that I like most; and that kids mostly want to learn about, specially teenagers. Music, I think that this site, is the main source of pop music in the world:

In the videos section, we can find information about what the magazine is publishing every month, in the words of its authors.

Some videos to check:

Last but not least, there is a site related with my favorite sport: soccer! I have found a great webpage with good videos about soccer. This site contains information about the UEFA tournament which is the most popular soccer competition around the world.

Some videos to check:

I´ll check these sites every week, because for me is important to be updated in these topics. I think they can work as a listening practice for me. Anyway, I think that from these pages I can find videos to be used in my teaching. All the pages have great quality in sound and image, and the topics are close to my students interests.

1 comentarios:

Gina Petrie/CALE/ESLG dijo...

Nice selection! That first link will keep you updated on what's new in technology as well as keep your technical English vocabulary growing. All the links look good. Good luck with your plan!