REFLECTION 2: Websites that might help.

domingo, 16 de noviembre de 2008


“Shevchenko”, is one of the most advanced students in this ESL clasroom. I gave him that name because of the famous Ukranian soccer player. This student is a great fan of soccer as I do but I have to admit, that he knows more about European soccer than I. The other day, we started a conversation about soccer and he was so eager to speak. He shows fluency and accuracy in his words ,but most important he was motivated to speak.

Here in the U.S, soccer is not as important as it is in the rest of the world. Many of the students in ESL classrooms have as their favorite sport soccer. It is something that people from different countries share. I recommend teachers use this sport as a link between cultures.

About this particular student I´d suggested some soccer pages in English.,,12306,00.html

I think that these sites provide interesting reading for this student. Through this pages he can improve his reading skills. And maybe, he can create a kind of weekly paper to put in the classroom with soccer information. Why not?

1 comentarios:

Gina Petrie/CALE/ESLG dijo...

Nicely done! And, as you say in your posting, "why not?" It is very true that there is often this gap in knowledge and interest between ESL students and ESL teachers. I know that I myself know very little about soccer.