Blog Reflection "ESL/EFL Teaching. Principles for Success" Chapters 2, 6 and 10

domingo, 19 de octubre de 2008

Teaching language through content:

I think is important to put our students in a friendly enviromment when we are going to teach them something that, most of the times, is an unfamiliar for them. Learning a new language can result very difficult because of this I believe that stablish conections between the previous learning of the students and the new language can be help to create comprehensible input and help to reduce the affective filter of our students.

In order to apply this principle in my classroom I would try to link the information from other subjects with the teaching of language, integrating the disciplines. Speaking in english about the topics my students are learning can result in a "win & win" situation, because I as a teacher can introduce language content and I can also make a revision of the students knowledge of the others areas of learning.

Learning takes places in social interaction.

Many times teachers tend to forget that we are teaching a language and do not remember what a language implies. Language is communication, teachers seem to do not have this in mind when they create their activities. Many times the teaching of a language is seen as any other subject, as a science, because several times we see in clasrooms lists of grammar exercises, we work in laboratories in wich we listen tapes again and again.

Social interaction is vital in learning a language in my teaching. I think I will do a lot of group work, pair dialogues and debates. The development of the social skills in our students is one of the most important abilities to develop in the school.

Faith in the learner expands student potential.

I think that this is one of the critical points in the chilean education. I have heard many times that teachers just criticize their students and do not believe in their potential. When I first have a class here in the states I was surprised about the amount of praise the class received during the class, most of the time the teacher is reinforcing the effort of the students with a good comment (well done, good, nice, etc) I think that we have to be more positive in the way we see our students in Chile.

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